
Værksteds- hallerne
Værkstedhallerne is Copenhagen Fablabs primary location. On this page you can see the various facilities. Under each of them, you can read about the guidelines of use and the different equipment in each room.
Copenhagen Fablabs facilities
It is free to use Copenhagen Fablab's equipment and tools. We have tried to make our workshop facilities manageable for our users by arranging and naming our premises according to function.
Under each room, you will find an overview of the equipment that is available, as well as user manuals for the respective machines.
If you are new or just unsure how a certain machine works, feel free to ask our superusers for advice. It's always better to ask for help once too much.
Materials are purchased in Copenhagen Fablab in Værkstedshallerne. In our pricelist you can see what materials are available.
You can find various files and tutorials on GitHub File Share.
Opening Hours:
Monday: 10-16
Tueday: 10-21
Thursday: 10-21
BUT we can also get sick so always check our Facebook before you go here:)